Certificate of Installation/Inspection for Residential Safe Rooms

Texas Division of Emergency Management Recovery, Mitigation and Standards Texas Residential Safe Room Rebate Program Certificate of Installation/Inspection for Residential Safe Rooms

Citizen Participant Information

Address of Safe Room
Type of Safe Room:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(GPS coordinates, five degrees decimal)

Compliance Statement

The undersigned attests that this safe room's design, construction, and installation comply with FEMA P-320, Fourth Edition (Taking Shelter from the Storm), FEMA P- 361, Third Edition (Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes), and ICC 500-2014. The undersigned certifies (1) door assemblies of this product have passed ICC 500 testing to meet or exceed FEMA safe room criteria (2) above ground safe room foundation meets ICC 500, Section 308.1.1.1 and post-installed anchors comply with ICC 500 and Chapter 17 of the American Concrete Institute standard ACT 318- 14 (3) underground safe rooms meet ICC 500 Section 303.3 design to resist buoyancy and hydrostatic loads.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 512 MB.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 512 MB.