Area Agency On Aging
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- Programs & Services
- Area Agency On Aging
The AAA provides an inclusive and coordinated variety of services and opportunities so that seniors can lead dignified, independent, and productive lives. These services are for those living in the South Plains region. Read about these services by following these links.
Connect with Program Specialists
Each of the Area Agency on Aging’s program specialists provide initial screening and referrals to all individuals who are 60 years of age or older and as well to individuals of any age who are eligible for Medicare.
Information, Referral and Assistance provides senior citizens and their family caregiver the appropriate community resources, programs and services that best meet the current needs of the caller. The program provides information, assistance and referral on Prescription Assistance Programs, Transportation, Minor Home Repairs, Nutrition/Senior Citizens Sites, Medicare, Long Term Care and programs provided by the agency at no cost. You can also receive information referral from 2-1-1.
Contact: Patricia Guzman
1323 58th Street / P.O. Box 3730
Lubbock, Texas 79452-3730
(806) 687-0940 / 888-418-6564
Fax (806) 765-9544
- Social Security
- Medicare/Medicaid
- Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D)
- Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB/SLMB)
- Advanced Directives
- Medicare Open Enrollment
Through trained staff, SPAG provides legal/benefits counseling assistance on such matters as Medicare appeals and Advance Directives: Medical Power of Attorney, Directive to Physician, Out of Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Order, and Designation of Guardian before Need Arises. Areas of service are listed below.
Benefits counseling includes assistance with Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, Food Stamps, disability, veterans issues, insurance complaints, pharmaceutical companies, and long term care insurance.
Medicare Open Enrollment
Medicare Open Enrollment is just around the corner and the South Plains Area Agency on Aging will be scheduling Open Enrollment Events throughout the 15 county region to help Medicare beneficiaries compare and/or elect new Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans. Your health needs change from year to year. And, your health plan may change the benefits and cost each year too. That’s why it’s important to evaluate your Medicare choices every year.
Open Enrollment is the one time of year when ALL people with Medicare can see what new benefits Medicare has to offer and make changes to their coverage. There’s never been a better time to check out Medicare coverage. There are new benefits available for all people with Medicare – whether you choose Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan – including lower prescription costs, wellness visits, and preventive care.
Take advantage of Open Enrollment and you may be able to save money, get better coverage, or both. Open Enrollment starts October 15th and lasts through December 7th which ensures Medicare enough time to process your choice, so your coverage can begin without interruption on January 1st.
Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213
Medicare Hotline 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)
Contact: Dee Neill
1323 58th Street / P.O. Box 3730
Lubbock, Texas 79452-3730
(806) 687-0940 / 888-418-6564
Fax (806) 765-9544
- Advocating Long Term Care Rights
- Volunteer Recruitment
The Ombudsman program serves as an advocate for seniors’ resident rights in long-term care facilities such as assisted living and nursing homes. Ombudsmen work in partnership with nursing home residents, staff, and families to ensure quality of care and quality of life for long-term care residents. Ombudsmen work in partnership with the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services Long-Term Care Regulatory Division.
A certified ombudsman visits nursing facilities and assisted living facilities on a regular basis as well as participates in open hearings, family and resident council meetings, unannounced inspections, complaint investigations, and annual surveys. The program also assists residents and families with nursing home placements, questions regarding nursing home life, finances, spousal impoverishment, and Medicare/Medicaid eligibility.
Contact: Lisa Hendricks
8240 Boston Avenue
Lubbock, Texas 79423
(806) 642-0450
- Caregiver Conference
- Support Group Listings
- Eye Exam and Eye Glasses
- Hearing Aids
- Minor Residential Repair (Homeowners)
- Durable Medical Supply
- Respite Voucher
- Educational Resource Material
Family Caregiver Support Program
The Family Caregiver Support Program is designed to provide assistance, support, and services – such as respite or supplemental services – to caregivers. Caregivers need support in the everyday activities that surround the long-term care of their loved one. This way, caregivers can retain greater control over their personal life and health. The focus is to empower the caregiver with training, education, information, support groups, and temporary relief from care giving responsibilities.
To qualify for this program, the caregiver must be 18 years of age or older providing for a care recipient over the age of 60. Caregivers may be any of the following: spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent, any relative, or anyone providing care for a loved one.
Additional Caregiver Web Resources
Elder Options of Texas
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Phone Resources
National Caregiving Foundation 1-800-930-1357
Caregiver Conference
Check back for more information.
Contact: Lisa Gonzales
1323 58th Street / P.O. Box 3730
Lubbock, Texas 79452-3730
(806) 687-0940 / 1-888-418-6564
Fax (806) 765-9544
- Eye Exam & Eye Glasses
- Hearing Aids
- Prescription Medication Assistance
- Durable Home Medical Equipment
- Emergency Response System
- Minor Residential Repair (Homeowners Only)
- Medical Transportation
- Adult Day Care
- Homemaker Services
- Chore Maintenance (Lawn services)
- Medication Devices
Care Coordination Program
The Care Coordination program provides assistance to senior citizens 60 years and older who are in need of services that include minor residential repair, emergency response services, eye exams and eyeglasses, hearing aids, prescription medications, limited dental services and durable medical equipment such as walkers, and lift chairs. Additional programs include Homemaker Services, Adult Day, Chore Maintenance, and Medical transportation. The purpose is to promote healthy independence at home.
The Care Coordination program also implements Resources United Meetings that are held quarterly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held to provide presentations and case referrals between local organizations about various programs and services available to people in the region. It is a volunteer consortium of more than 75 social service and healthcare organizations, faith-based and other community groups, and governmental.
Contact Francisco Sotelo and Courtney McNeely
1323 58th Street / P.O. Box 3730
Lubbock, Texas 79452-3730
(806) 687-0940 / 888-418-6564
Fax (806) 765-9544
- 211 Texas (Resource/Information Line)
- The Golden Resource Directory
Phone Numbers
Social Security Administration 866 467-0460
Legal Hotline for Older Texans 800 622-2520
Disclaimer: SPAG/AAA assumes no responsibility for the use of the resource information provided. Provision of such phone numbers or website links should not be construed as an endorsement.
Bailey County Commissioners Court (A-020)
- Director: Judy Coffman
- Bookkeeper: Judy Coffman
- Address: 300 South First St, Room 110 Muleshoe, TX 79347
- Phone: (806) 272-3647
- Fax: (806) 272-4656
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon.-Thur. 8:30-12:00, Fri. 8:00-1:00
- Services: Transportation Service
- County: Bailey
Bailey County Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-007)
- Director: Kaci Lee
- Assistant:
- Address: 319 S. Main St / PO Box 292 Muleshoe, TX 79347
- Phone: (806) 272-4969
- Fax: (806) 272-4460
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 – 4:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site).
- County: Bailey
Cochran Co. Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-045)
- Director: Reynalda Granado
- Bookkeeper: Reynalda Granado
- Address: 120 W. Wilson Morton, TX 79346
- Phone: (806) 266-5121
- Fax: (806) 266-9027
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-3:00
- Services: Home Delivered Meals, Congregate Meals (on-site), Transportation Service
- County: Cochran
Crosby Co. Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-050)
- Director: Lenette Fowler
- Assistant: Patsy Weems
- Address: 119 North Berkshire, Crosbyton, TX 79322
- Phone: (806) 675-2107
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8-3
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals
- County: Crosby
Garza County Trailblazers, Inc. (A-070)
- Director: Billie Williams
- Bookkeeper: LaGayluah McReynolds
- Address: 205 E. 10th, Post, TX 79356
- Phone: (806) 495-2998
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-1:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals
- County: Garza
Hale Center Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-075)
- Directory: Karen Boyce
- Assistant: Dee Rice
- Address: P.O. Box 205 (416 West 2nd St.) Hale Center, TX 79041
- Phone: (806) 839-2428
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-3:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals, Transportation Services
- County: Hale
Hockley County Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-085)
- Director: Shelly Baigen
- Assistant: Rica Sanchez
- Address: 1202 Houston, Levelland, TX 79336
- Phone: (806) 894-2228
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-4:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals, Transportation Services
- County: Hockley
Lorenzo Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-095)
- Director: Earlene Rampy
- Address: P.O. Box 571 (606 6th St.), Lorenzo, TX 79343
- Phone: (806) 634-5957
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 – 2:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals
- County: Crosby
Lubbock – City of Lubbock (A-100)
- Director:
- Karen Penkert, Supervisor: (806) 775-2678
- Vacant (806) 775-2685
- Katy Estrada (806) 767-2710
- Address: P.O. Box 2000 (1010 9th St.) Lubbock, TX 79457
- Phone: (806) 775-2678
- Fax: (806) 775-2686
- E-mail:
- Karen Penkert
- Vacant
- Katy Estrada
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-5:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Transportation Services
- County: Lubbock
- Mae Simmons – 767-2708, Alvin Hargers (2004 Oak Avenue 79404),
- Copper Rawlings – 767-2704, Herminia Martinez (213 40th Street 79404), (40th & Ave. B),
- Maggie Trejo – 767-2705, Cecilia Gonzalez (3200 Amherst 79415),
- Homestead – 687-7898, Paula Brown (5401 56th Street 79414);
- Lubbock Senior Center – 767-2710, Paula Brown (2001 19th Street, 79401) FAX 765-0820
Lynn County Pioneers (A-110)
- Director: Sandra Norwood
- Bookkeeper: Sandra Norwood
- Address: P.O. Box 223 (1600 S. 3rd St.), Tahoka, TX 79373
- Phone: (806) 561-5264
- Fax: (806) 561-5571
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 9:00-3:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals
- Congregate Meals in Wilson Wednesday only
- County: Lynn
Senior Citizens Assoc. of S. Dickens County (A-130)
- Director: Debbie Pritchett
- Bookkeeper: Darlene Young
- Address: 210 Burlington, Spur, TX 79370
- Phone: (806) 271-4472
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-3:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals
- County: Dickens
Slaton Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-135)
- Director: Nita Williams
- Bookkeeper: Nita Williams
- Address: 230 West Lynn, Slaton, TX 79364
- Phone: (806) 828-3784
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-4:00
- Services: Congregate Meals (on-site), Home Delivered Meals
- County: Lubbock
Yoakum County Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (A-150)
- Director: Becky Riley
- Assistant: Amber Cline
- Bookkeeper: Shelia Hinson
- Address: 709 W. Broadway (Mail Only to Box 519) Denver City, TX 79323
- Phone: (806) 592-8000
- Fax: (806) 592-2835
- E-mail:
- Days & Hours Open: Mon. – Fri. 9:00-3:00
- Services: Home Delivered Meals, Congregate Meals (on-site)
- County: Yoakum